- His look became stormy. 他的脸色突然变难看了。
- Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative. 然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。
- His manner and his look quite terrified them all. 他的面貌和神色惊骇了他们全体。
- It's not reliable to judge a man only by his look. 光凭容貌来判断一个人是不可靠的。
- Judging from his look, he's a very shy man. 从他的外表来看,他是个很腼腆的人。
- You should't judge a person by his look. 看人不要光看外表。
- His look of happiness is only assumed. 他快乐的样子是假装的。
- Despite his looks he's said to be something of a Don Juan. 尽管他其貌不扬,但据说是个很得女人欢心的风流荡子。
- He lost his looks(= became less attractive)in later life. 他英俊的相貌在晚年已不复存在。
- During solar maximums, space weather becomes stormy. 在太阳活动高峰期,太空的天气将变得多风暴。
- Judging by his look, he doesn't think much of our local wine. 从他的表情来看,他并不看好我们当地的酒。
- It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks. 单凭容貌来判断一个人是不可靠的。
- As the hippie movement took hold, the natural girl-next-door look became popular. 随着嬉皮运动成为主流,自然的邻家女孩发型流行起来。
- His annoyance showed itself in his looks. 他的表情中露出了不高兴的样子。
- His looks betrayed the extreme of emotion. 他的神情流露出他的感情已沸腾到了极点。
- Do not judge a man by his looks. 不要凭外表判断人。
- His look caught her; She caught his eye; Catch the attention of the waiter. 他的相貌吸引了她;她注视他的眼睛;引起服务员注意。
- Very often we judge a person by his looks. 我们常常由外表去判断一个人。
- If like lamb he could his looks translate! 如果狼披上羊皮
- You often judge a man by his looks, dont you? 你经常以貌取人,不是吗?